Term 5

Term 5- April 2024
Welcome to Term 5! Our topic this term is 'The Ancient Egyptians' - we are really looking forward to this topic and are sure that we will all learn a lot! 
The team in Midford this term are Mrs Viranyi, Mrs Lamb & Miss Bennett.  
Please see below for a topic web which outlines what we will be doing in the coming weeks.
Our timetable has changed slightly from last term. We will now have Basketball on a Friday morning.
Please can you continue to send your child's PE kit into school each Monday and we will send it home each Friday.
You may notice 'WFA' sessions - these are 'Writing for Accuracy' sessions, where the children will aim to write a dictated sentence correctly - so we will be doing lots of spelling & grammar revision! 
We will continue our 'Fluent in 5' Maths lessons each day - these are really helping the children with their Maths.
Please do continue to support us at home by completing the weekly spellings & timetables. We will continue to assess spellings & timetables every friday. 
Please make sure that Spelling folders & times tables folders come in every Friday
This term we will be using the book 'Ancient Egypt Gods, Pharaohs and cats' by Marcia Williams for our Literacy lessons.